welcome to my premeditated murder, my treasured mistake
the death of a bipolar affair after it once made my heart break
bittersweet feeling, how can I hate and be thankful too?
have you known an aftertaste that lingers like you?
maybe you made it all up, perhaps you did commit those fatal crimes
the crimson stain, a heavy price, why did you have to pollute my mind?
the world wanted you at your prime while I found you at your worst
you took me into such a dark corner where color was cursed
you loved me sure, but with a toxic embrace
guilt tripped me into staying in this place
evils cold grip held onto me all those months
sold my pride, my body, my soul in chunks
a silver ring carved with your letter, you needed to own me
abused by love, no force - my will was bent with empty lies, deceptively
words fall short, you wielded the knife
whispers now bold, young but was I so naive?
I reclaimed my throne, tables turned as I grew
faster because of the experience of you
cold to my emotions, I held the upper hand
and I slammed your ego where it couldn't withstand
guided me out of teenage life, made me a tough guy
did I sin? why are you still on my speed dial?
taught me the ropes, I am me because of you, not your deeds
releasing the storm, no longer bound, one side now freed
a stunning facade, contrasting the darkness within
miscarriage of justice no longer hung in the air between
you reached out as a friend, think twice before you dare the line
I now deal with one side of the coin, our boundaries are defined
I come to me today, all walls down
'I trust you freely, the guilt has worn out'
I no longer need to hide
the worst is over, it's been justified.